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Axtray Bot Commands

Bot prefix is -

afk reason / When someone tags you, writes your the reason for AFK.


avatar @user / Shows the avatar of the person you tagged.


ban @user reason / Bans someone from the server.


banlist  / Shows users banned from your server.


invites / Invites the Bot link.


banneryazi text / Writes your text on the banner.


ban-kanal #kanal / Types the banned contacts log.


bug-bildir complaint / Use if you have a Bug or complaint about the bot.


korona country/countries / report data about the daily chores.

trump text / Tweets as Trump. (It won't work if you type special characters)


mute \ mute @user (duration) (reason) / Silence the user for a while.


profile @ user / Shows information about the user 's profile.


seviye\seviyem /shows your level 


liderliktablosu \ Shows the top 3 users on the server as a level.


rip @user / Adds rip effect to the user you tagged.


wasted @user / Adds wasted effect to the user you tagged.


missionpassed @user / Adds the Mission Passed effect to the user you tagged.


pixelfoto @user / Adds pixel effect to the user you tagged.


 mod-log / Set's moderation log.


ping / Shows ping of the bot.


istatistik / Shows Bot statistics


channel \ channel-lock / You lock the channel.


uyarı ekle \ uyar @user reason / You warn the tagged user on the server.


invites / Shows the user's invitations.


wikipedia searches for / what you want to search.


canlı-destek / submits a support request for the live-support for Axtray bot.

evlenme-teklifi @user / proposal to the tagged user.

snipe / Shows the last deleted message on the channel.


yavaş-mod /  turns on slow-mode on the channel.


steamfiyat game / Indicates the steam price of the specified game.


yaz text / Write message as bot.


şikayet complaint / sends complain about the bot.


mute\sustur @ user / Mutes tagged user.


mcbaşarım / Minecraft performance effect.


otorol @role #channel / Automatically gives new roles to newly arrived members.


sayaç #channel number / Sets the counter.


sunucu-kur / Simple server installs. Only the person who installs the Server can use it.

emojikur / Adds some emojis to your server.


espri / Makes cool jokes.

oylama / Vote


ters-renk @ user / Gives the inverse color effect to the specified user.


unban / Removes the ban of the specified user.


dc /Gives information about the server.







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